Local People. Great Service.
Life insurance policies you can trust and understand.
Contact Edwards Insurance today for the knowledgeable and personalized assistance you need to select the life insurance policy that is right for you.

Life Insurance
Protecting Your Family When They Need It Most
Life insurance policies tailored to your individual needs.
From individual policies to blanket coverage, Edwards Insurance has the honest insurance expertise you can count on to guide you in building the insurance plan that is right for you. Schedule your consultation today to start learning more.
Whole life
Term life
Short Term

Insurance Riders
Protecting Your Income
Firm and convenient protection throughout your lifetime.
With years of proven experience providing life insurance to individuals like you, Edwards Insurance has the expertise it takes to offer you the widest variety of options and policies. You can rely on us to help you choose the best insurance plan for you and your family.
Final expenses
First-step plans for children
Long term care